
C-14 An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make related amendments to other Acts (medical assistance in dying)

Vote topic

That a Message be sent to the Senate to acquaint their Honours that this House:

agrees with the amendments numbered 1, 2(d), 2(e), 4, and 5 made by the Senate to Bill C-14, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make related amendments to other Acts (medical assistance in dying);

proposes that amendment 2(c)(i) be amended by replacing the text of the amendment with the following text “sistance in dying after having been informed of the means that are available to relieve their suffering, including palliative care.”;

proposes that amendment 3 be amended in paragraph (b) by adding after the words “make regulations” the words “that he or she considers necessary”;

respectfully disagrees with amendment 2(a) because requiring that a person who assists to be free from any material benefit arising from the patient's death would eliminate from participation the family members or friends most likely to be present at the patient's express wish, and this would violate patient autonomy in a fundamental and inacceptable manner; and

respectfully disagrees with amendments 2(b), 2(c)(ii), and 2(c)(iii) because they would undermine objectives in Bill C-14 to recognize the significant and continuing public health issue of suicide, to guard against death being seen as a solution to all forms of suffering, and to counter negative perceptions about the quality of life of persons who are elderly, ill or disabled, and because the House is of the view that C-14 strikes the right balance for Canadians between protection of vulnerable individuals and choice for those whose medical circumstances cause enduring and intolerable suffering as they approach death.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 190
No 108
Bloc NDP Green


Didn't vote Rona Ambrose
Didn't vote Michael Chong
Didn't vote Tony Clement
Didn't vote Diane Finley
Didn't vote Marilyn Gladu
Didn't vote Stephen Harper
Didn't vote Jim Hillyer
Didn't vote Tom Kmiec
Didn't vote Denis Lebel
Didn't vote Kellie Leitch
Didn't vote Larry Maguire
Didn't vote Phil McColeman
Didn't vote Larry Miller
Didn't vote Bev Shipley
Didn't vote David Tilson
Didn't vote Mark Warawa
Didn't vote Dianne Lynn Watts
Didn't vote Kevin Waugh
Didn't vote Alice Wong




Didn't vote Mauril Bélanger
Didn't vote Peter Fonseca
Didn't vote Hedy Fry
Didn't vote Mark Gerretsen
Didn't vote Denis Lemieux
Didn't vote Alexandra Mendes
Didn't vote Joyce Murray
Didn't vote Geoff Regan
Didn't vote Harjit S. Sajjan
Didn't vote Scott Simms
Didn't vote Justin Trudeau
Didn't vote Jonathan Wilkinson


Didn't vote Hunter Tootoo
